Catholic Bishop Biden speaks out against Title IX extension, highlights the 'tragic irony' of the proposal
Categories: US Education News
CatholicBishop Biden speaks out against Title IX extension, highlights the 'tragicirony' of the proposal
The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops issued a statement onWednesday condemning the proposed changes to Title IX by the Bidenadministration. The USCCB commented on President Biden's proposals in a letterreleased through its Department of Communications.
Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan of New York, Archbishop SalvatoreCordillon of San Francisco, and Bishop Thomas Daly of Spokane opposed theinclusion of gender doctrine, transgenderism, sexuality and abortion in TitleIX, warning that it would harm women "ironically" can deliver toprotect. "The proposed 701-page rule, issued last week, contains severalprovisions of concern for the Church and its ministries, believers, and thecommon good," the USCCB wrote in its statement.
"The full meaning and impact of these provisions are not entirelyclear and will require more careful study." "But even at this earlystage, it is clear that the provisions of the Rule on discrimination on thebasis of 'pregnancy or related conditions', including 'termination ofpregnancy', have implications for abortion, and therefore, life in the womb. ,”wrote the Catholic bishops.
The Biden administration proposed new rules on the 50thanniversary of Title IX that would broaden gender identity while protecting thelaw. The Department of Education said, "The regulations ... willstrengthen protections for LGBTQI+ students who face discrimination based onsexual orientation or gender identity." The administration also said itwould issue additional rules on the participation of transgender students insports, a move that is likely to receive pushback from Republicans.
Title IX, which was passed into law in 1972, prohibitsgender-based discrimination in schools receiving federal funding. It states, “Noperson in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be denied participationunder any education program or activity receiving federal financial aid, orunder any education program or activity shall not be subjected todiscrimination."