Pharmacist Evaluating ExamWhy PEBC is important for Indian pharmacy students
PharmacistEvaluating ExamWhy PEBC is important for Indian pharmacy students
You must bewondering why it is so important for Indian pharmacy graduates to give PEBCexamination. Indian pharmacy students to go to Canada for a master’s program/orpostgraduate program to seek a better job with a good salary and a career as apharmacist in Canada. But, it is hard to find a job in a certain sector if youdo not have your Pharmacy license in Canada.
It iscrucial to obtain the license and for that, the PEBC examination is soimportant. Not only in Canada but in other countries also licensing examinationplays an important role in the career growth of international pharmacists.
The mainreason why it is necessary is that being a pharmacist is the most valuedprofession in countries overseas, and pharmacy authorities have establishedsome criterion to be fulfilled by the international students in order to becomea licensed pharmacist. Fulfilling those criterions ensures that internationalpharmacists have the necessary skills and knowledge related to pharmacypractice to be delivered to their citizens.
Mainly,there is a growing demand in the community pharmacist and hospital pharmacistsector in Canada where one needs to have a license to be a pharmacist. Certainjobs, such as in clinical research, prefer licensed pharmacists overnon-licensed pharmacists.Many students wish to find a good job with a bettersalary package and a chance to get a PR in Canada. If you are aiming for thesame, you need to take PEBC exam as it is very beneficial in building yourcareer in pharmacy.
On the otherhand, you are able to find a job in academia and research, Regulatory affairsand jobs in Pharmaceutical industries (Manufacturing, QA, Packaging, R&D,etc.). But in pharmaceutical industry sector scope is very limited and highlypreferred occupation is being a community or hospital pharmacist in Canada.