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The Pharmacy Examining Board of Canada solved paper Section 17

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The Pharmacy Examining Board of Canada solved paper Section 17

Pharmacist Qualifying Examination - Part I (MCQ) - Sample Questions with answers in block letter

Capability 6: Information and Exploration Application

1-Which of the accompanying could be the most helpful reference to realize what mix of antiretroviral specialists is at present prescribed as a first-line treatment to treat HIV contamination?

  1. Meta-examinations
  2. A randomized, controlled preliminary
  3. Clinical practice rules
  4. Abridgment of Drugs and Strengths (CPS Medication Data)

2-Type II measurable blunder in a review contrasting two medication treatment regimens happens when:

  1. the control drug is definitely not a "best quality level" treatment.
  2. a genuinely massive contrast exists yet the thing that matters isn't clinically significant.
  3. the populace being scrutinized doesn't address the populace with the illness.
  4. the information shows no distinction between two treatment regimens and a distinction really exists.

3-An enough fueled, randomized controlled preliminary led more than two years showed that the essential result (a serious cardiovascular occasion) happened in 15% of the patients who got the new medication, though the essential result happened in 25% of the patients who got a fake treatment. The general gamble decrease accomplished with the new medication is:

  1. 10%
  2. 15%
  3. 25%
  4. 40%

4-In a sufficiently fueled, randomized controlled preliminary led more than three years, a particular serious secondary effect (i.e., decrease in leukocytes) with traditional treatment is seen in 0.5% of the review test. In patients who get a newfound medication, just 0.45% experience a similar secondary effect. In light of these outcomes, the base number of patients that would have to get the new medication for a very long time to measurably show the counteraction of one episode of this secondary effect in something like one patient (i.e., NNT) is:

  1. 20
  2. 150
  3. 200
  4. 2000

5-A drug specialist has gotten data with respect to another medication to treat hypertension. The data depends on a two-month, fake treatment controlled, randomized investigation of 1000 grown-ups that showed a critical typical diminishing in systolic tension from 160 mm Hg to 141 mm Hg and diastolic strain from 98 mm Hg to 86 mm Hg. The most well-known unfriendly responses were stomach upset and discombobulation. Which of coming up next is the main constraint of this review?

  1. The review size was excessively little to enough survey benefits.
  2. The patients didn't accomplish rule focuses for hypertension.
  3. Brought down circulatory strain is a proxy result.
  4. Long haul security and adequacy were not evaluated.

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