Pharmacist Evaluating Examination sample question of Canada Biomedical sciences part 7
Categories: PEBC Exam Canada
Pharmacist Evaluating Examination sample question Biomedical sciences
The Pharmacy Examing board of Canada (PEBC)
(answers given in a bold letters)
Q51 Bacterial conjunctivitis:
1 ❏ is an infectious condition
2 ❏ affects both eyes
3 ❏ is associated with pain
Q52 Wet skin lesions:
1 ❏ indicate presence of a fungal infection
2 ❏ always require referral
3 ❏ potassium permanganate soaks may be recommended
Q53 Infant formula milk preparations:
1 ❏ may be based on cow’s milk
2 ❏ contain no fat
3 ❏ are presented as separate components to be reconstituted
before use
Q54 Staphylococcal napkin dermatitis:
1 ❏ occurs when the patient also has oral thrush
2 ❏ presents as a pustular rash
3 ❏ should be referred
Q55 Sialolithiasis:
1 ❏ is the inflammation of a salivary gland
2 ❏ presents with facial pain and swelling
3 ❏ is associated with eating