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Intermediary Metabolism

  • Enzymes reaction rates and kinetics, the influence of xenobiotics, vitamins and trace elements
  • Carbohydrates, structure and function, synthesis/degradation
  • Glycolysis
  • Citric acid cycle, glyoxylate cycle and pentose phosphate cycle
  • Biosynthesis of lipids, regulation by insulin and glucagon, steroid hormones and atherosclerosis
  • Oxidative degradation of amino acids
  • Fatty acid oxidation, formation of ketone bodies
  • ATP and bioenergetics including oxidative phosphorylation, electron transport and the effects of xenobiotics


  • Nucleic acids
  • Protein synthesis
  • Chromosome structure, DNA replication and transcription, effects of antibiotics, cancercausing viruses
  • Lipids and membranes

                              MOLECULAR BIOLOGY AND GENOMICS


Molecular Biology: Basis of Information Transfer for Cell Integrity and Well-being

  • Structure and functions of proteins and lipids
  • Biochemistry and cellular organization
  • Essential amino acids, degradation of purines and uric acid production
  • Cell signalling (neurotransmitters, hormones) Cellular growth (the cell cycle)


Organization of the human genome

        Gene expression and regulation

DNA structure and function

Instability of the human genome

        Replication, mutation and DNA repair

        Recombination and developmental genetics

Relationship between genes and proteins

         Structure and function of proteins

         Protein folding and conformation

         Transcription into RNA

         mRNA translation into proteins

Genetic engineering and cloning of genes

         Cell-based DNA cloning

         Cloning vectors

Molecular pathology - Identifying human disease genes

Applications: Gene therapy and other molecular genetic-based therapeutic approach

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