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Pharmacist Evaluating Examination sample question of Canada Biomedical sciences part 8

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Pharmacist Evaluating Examination sample question of Canada Biomedical sciences part 8

The Pharmacy Examing board of Canada (PEBC)

(answers given in a bold letters)

Q56 Accompanying conditions that require referral when patients present with ear problems include:

1 history of perforated ear drum

2 discharge

3 pain

Q57 When patients present with complaints related to indigestion the pharmacist should enquire whether:

1 symptoms are related to food intake patterns

2 accompanying symptoms include vomiting or constipation

3 the patient is wheezing

Q58 Kaolin and Morphine Mixture:

1 is not recommended for acute diarrhoea

2 contains a low concentration of morphine

3 contains kaolin, which may reduce bioavailability of morphine

Q59 Meggezones pastilles:

1 contain pseudoephedrine

2 provide a soothing effect through the promotion of saliva


3 should not be recommended to diabetic patients

Q60 In migraine:

1 a soluble oral drug formulation is preferred to a solid oral

dosage form

2 an analgesic should be taken at the first sign of an attack

3 Syndol may be recommended

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