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NEET (BOTANY-Anatomy of flowering plants) MCQs

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Q.1. Which of The following is not Part of Stele in Dicot Root –

(A) Primary Xylem         

(B) Protoxylem

(C) Metaxylem               

(D) Epiblema


Answer: (D) Epiblema


Q.2. Feature of Monocot Root is –

(A) Endarch                   

(B) Diarch

(C) Pith large                 

(D) Polyarch


Answer: (D) Polyarch


Q.3. Few Structures are given –

Epidermis ,Polyarch ,Large pith , Pericycle, Suberin in Endodermis –

How many common in Dicot and Monocot root

(A) Two             

(B) Three

(C) Four             

(D) Five


Answer: (B) Three


Q.4. Structure which is Common in Dicot stem and Dicot Root is –

(A) Collenchymatous Hypodermis

(B) Parenchymatous Pericycle

(C) Parenchymatous Endodermis

(D) Endarch bundle


Answer: (C) Parenchymatous Endodermis


Q.5. Starch sheath in Dicot stem is –

(A) Pith                      (B) Hypodermis

(C) Endodermis         (D) Cortex


Answer: (C) Endodermis


Q.6. Mark the incorrectly matched –

(A) Pith in Dicot root – small

(B) Pericycle in Dicot stem - Parecnchyma

(C) Hypodermis in Dicot stem - Collenchyma

(D) Endodermis in Dicot Stem - Sclerenchyma


Answer: (D) Endodermis in Dicot Stem - Sclerenchyma


Q.7. Layer of Dicot stem which is Present as semilunar patch –

(A) Pith                    

(B) Endodermis

(C) Pericycle           

(D) Cortex


Answer: (C) Pericycle


Q.8. Consider the following statements

S-I Dicot Leaf lack bulliform cell

S-II Medullary rays in Dicot stem form interfascicular cambium

Answer the following-

(A) only S-I is correct

(B) only S-II is correct

(C) both S-I and S-II is correct

(D) both S-I and S-II is wrong


Answer: (C) both S-I and S-II is correct


Q.9. Mark the correctly matched –

(A) Maize – Palisade parenchyma

(B) Mustard – Bulliform cell

(C) Sunflower stem – Radial Bundle

(D) Sunflower root – Exarch bundle


Answer: (D) Sunflower root – Exarch bundle


Q.10. Consider the following statements

S-I Hypodermis is sclerenchymatous in Maize stem

S-II Unequal size vascular bundle present in Maize stem

Answer the following-

(A) only S-I is correct

(B) only S-II is correct

(C) both S-I and S-II is correct

(D) both S-I and S-II is wrong


Answer: (C) both S-I and S-II is correct

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